
Pallets of USDA Emergency Food Assistance Program (cc: public domain)
Pallets of USDA Emergency Food Assistance Program (CC: public domain)

Equity Metrics for the Food System

My current postdoctoral project focuses on developing equity metrics for the food system to assess how programs and policies influence equity indicators in the short, medium, and long term. Learn more about the project on the lab website: 


Sustainable Health Diet Policy & Programs

I seek to understand the factors that motivate local governments to adopt strategies that promote sustainable, healthy diets and to evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies once implemented. The goal is to inform pathways for adapting food systems to support long-term climate resilience and health objectives.  For this work, I utilize


Food System Resilience

I have completed and am actively seeking funding and collaborations for research on food system resilience. In partnership with various organizations, I focus on developing and evaluating strategies to help food systems prepare for, recover from, and build resilience to disasters. My research interests encompass both short-term shocks and long-term stressors affecting food systems.


United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Before starting my Ph.D., much of my research focused on the role of academic institutions in advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. While obtaining my Master of Public Health, I managed a research project to understand how Yale University’s research and teaching relate to the SDGs. We developed a database with over 100,000 data points which has been used internally to develop new partnerships and by peer institutions to inform their programs. Due to my continued interest in this topic, following my graduation from Yale, I obtained funding from the Yale University Office of Sustainability and the International Alliance of Research Universities to continue to advance this work. We developed multiple reports and resources to help inform this work at higher education institutions and a web-based publication.